gracelife – Free Grace Alliance Win the war with love and grace Mon, 06 Mar 2023 16:51:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chosen to Serve Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:39:31 +0000 Chosen to Serve

Author: Shawn Lazar
Published: 2017

Most people assume that God has chosen individuals to have everlasting life. They might disagree on whom God has chosen, and why He has chosen them, but they agree that is what the doctrine of election is about. But where is that idea taught in the Bible? Where does the Bible say God chooses individuals for eternal life or eternal death?

In Chosen to Serve, Shawn Lazar examines the Biblical evidence and comes to a surprising conclusion: election is vocational. God chooses people, places, and things for service and reward, not for eternal life. If you have ever struggled with the issue of divine election, this book is for you.

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The Captive and the king’s will Tue, 28 Feb 2023 03:03:31 +0000 The Captive and the King’s Will

Author: John R. Cross
Published: 2018

Perhaps you’ve journeyed with a friend as they travelled from spiritual death to spiritual life. Perhaps you’ve wondered, “What’s next?”

Following the life of Simon Peter, The Captive and the King’s Will guides the new believer into the next steps of what it means to follow Christ. Assuming the reader has little or no previous exposure to church or Christianity, The Captive endeavours to touch on key sanctificational truths, grounding believers in their new-found faith as they pursue a walk with the Lord.

This book builds on previous books written by John R. Cross. It is truly a sequel—the next step—in learning about God and the Bible. The focus of this book is the identity of the Holy Spirit and his work in the life of a Bible believer.

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Going for the Gold Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:49:15 +0000 Going For the Gold

Author: Joe Wall
Published: 2009

“Going for the Gold” is a practical guide for living with eternal values in view. It is a study of the many Scripture Passages that describe the Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ, the heavenly event when Jesus will evaluate the lives of His people. Whether you are a young person facing hard choices, an adult in the midst of your career, or a retired person with time on your hands you want your life to count. This illuminating volume will show what the Bible says about the time of the judgment of believers’ works, but more importantly, it will help you live a life that is worthy of the words, “Well done.”

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Simply by Grace Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:03:15 +0000 Simply by Grace

Author: Charles Bing
Published: 2009

Grace distinguishes Christianity from all other religions. Although commonly used among Christians and non-Christians, the word is too often misunderstood or underappreciated. And yet God’s grace is not only the key to becoming a Christian, but also the key to the assurance of salvation and living in freedom to serve God and others.

Simply by Grace is an easy-to-read introduction to a core Christian belief. By looking at the major questions and issues that surround the concept of grace, Charles C. Bing helps readers understand and appreciate this God-given gift and how simple it really is. “Because only when you understand the simplicity of His grace,” writes Bing, “can you begin to understand its deep riches also.”

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Living by Grace Fri, 20 Jan 2023 00:06:16 +0000 Living By Grace

Authors: Dave Anderson, Charles Bing, Mark Haywood, Phil Congdon, Mark Rae, Fred Chay
Published: 2021

Living by Grace attempts to make the case for grace in every corner of our lives. It makes sense that since we were saved by grace, we should live by grace. Since God is grace, we should not only experience His grace but also live within it and give it to others.

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In a blink Mon, 16 Jan 2023 16:34:00 +0000 An article written by John Maisel for East to West Ministries encouraging us to live in light of eternity.

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How Should A Local Church Respond To Its Families Who Have Children With Gender Identity Disorder? Fri, 06 Jan 2023 04:37:02 +0000

In order to develop a Christ-like response, the local church has to recognize this dichotomy of truth vs, experience, but still proceed with respect, love, and truth. The personal relational character of Christ gives us a path forward.

Dr. John Salvesen, Dec 2022

Click here to read the full article.
Click here to download article pdf.

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