The Divided Gospel
These pages expose the lies of secular, liberal, and progressive philosophies and celebrate the simple yet profound Gospel that transforms man.
These pages expose the lies of secular, liberal, and progressive philosophies and celebrate the simple yet profound Gospel that transforms man.
At the very basic level, syncretism happens when someone simply adds what they think the Bible says to what they already believe. Combining these two very different views leads to them adopting a third belief system.
Living in the Family of Grace answers the need for discipleship materials grounded in the grace of God. Those who use this workbook will gain a clear understanding of what it means to be saved eternally, how to live their new life in God’s family, and what commitments are involved in becoming devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
“All that the Prophets have Spoken” takes a look at the Bible without referral to Islam or the Quran. With an awareness of what Muslims believe about key prophets, the book examines what the Scriptures say about these men and connects them with the core message of the Bible.
By This Name utilizes a seldom-used but solidly biblical method to set apart the God of the Bible from other forms of spirituality, all the while answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What are the cross and tomb all about?” It establishes the authority of Scripture and gently compares the biblical worldview with other worldviews in an objective, non-arm-twisting way.
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly the main message of Bible.
Practical and easy-to-follow, this definitive introduction to spiritual growth will help new believers who may be overwhelmed by their new relationship and the pressures of fitting in the Christian life.
This handbook will lead believers step-by-step into a thorough understanding of the Gospel message. Practical and easy-to-follow, this definitive introduction to spiritual growth will help new believers who may be overwhelmed by their new relationship and the pressures of fitting in the Christian life.
Free and Clear offers believers a thorough understanding of the Gospel message and biblical terms and concepts.
Evantell’s newest 2023 book “Eternal Life” presents God’s message of salvation and the Biblical basis of our eternal security.
Thats all for now folks!
Thats all for now folks!