Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken

Author: Jason Moore
Published: 2020

“Beautiful,” and “Broken,” are not words that naturally go together. We are all broken in some way, yet in the eyes of Jesus we are His masterpiece, a trophy of grace. With all our ideas of beauty, God personally expands us to show us His infinite beauty.

Have you ever looked at you life as a mosaic? Something that once was whole, but now is broken? Jesus can take our broken pieces and personally arrange them into a new design. Your life is not falling apart, it is being remade into something exquisite.

In our broken places of failure and struggle the beauty of grace works in personal transformation. Nothing is wasted, everything has purpose as we yield it all to Jesus.

We will discover in this book our hidden beauty and that we are Deeply Seen, Fully Known and Completely Loved by the One who knows us best.